Saturday, December 06, 2008

The networked student

I have spent the day working on my final paper for my class. I am writing about personal learning networks and have done a lot of reading, research and thinking about the concept. I have also been thinking about how students could benefit from networking. How their eportfolios should include a plan to continue learning and continue to network. And now Wendy Drexler has put a lot of my thinking into a video. Well, it is really her thinking but it certainly reflects what I have been thinking.

I got a kick out of the term "network sherpa" that Wendy used in the video. When I mentioned it to her, she suggested we should get badges to identify ourselves. Cool idea.


Ray Tolley said...

A really nice and helpful presentation which I will pass on to others. However,I am amused by the special effect of using printed paper cut-outs. Is this an example of environmental responsibility? ;-)

Wendy DG said...

A lot of us have been thinking about networked learning. Thank you for sharing the video.
