Friday, January 02, 2009

2008 backlog

2008 backlog
Originally uploaded by booktalker
This is the time of year where we all think about how our lives might change in the new year. Some make resolutions. Some start new projects. Some finish old. I decided to join a group of educators who are committing to taking one photo a day for the next 365 days and sharing them with the group. This is my first photo. I was going to take a picture of my grandsons, the snow, or some other nice view. Instead I decided to combine my resolution for the new year with the first photo. This is just one of my piles of books that is waiting for me to read. My plan it to weed these down or at least sort them so I can find books. I need to give some of these away too. I can only keep so many.

School starts up again on Monday and then by the middle of the month, life starts getting crazy busy again. So, this weekend I will be doing my best to make a dent in this stack. And hoping the UPS man doesn't show up with more!!


Anonymous said...

Holy cow, that's a lot of books! I thought my TBR pile was daunting, but you've got me beat. I would like to know more about the picture a day for 365 days group. Sounds fun! I am a teacher as well.

Booktalker said...

Check out for more info on the picture a day project. I still haven't taken my picture today. Too soon to slack off!!