Monday, July 26, 2010

Today's Podcast 07/26/2010

  • Fleming, Candace. THE GREAT AND ONLY BARNUM : THE TREMENDOUS, STUPENDOUS LIFE OF SHOWMAN P. T. BARNUMNew York : Schwartz & Wade Books, 2009IL 3-6, RL 7.0ISBN 0375945970Have you ever heard of P.T. Barnum? What do you think of when I say Barnam and Bailey? You probably think of the circus. And P.T. Barnum was certainly responsible for creating one of the first major circuses. He was also a flim flam man, traveling around the country as a small time pitchman. In his circus were several displays that were more fiction than science The authentic mermaid was really a product of creative taxidermy. He realized early on that people did not mind being fooled as long as they were entertained.

    tags: podcasts

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