Sunday, September 26, 2010

Today's Podcast 09/26/2010

  • Mebus, Scott. THE GODS OF MANHATTANNew York : Dutton Children's Books, 2008IL 5-8, RL 5.0ISBN 0525479554When you walk down the streets of New York, what do you see? Skyscrapers, sidewalks, pigeons? Are you sure? Rory has lived in Manhattan his whole life, but when a magician does a trick that is impossible, Rory’s eyes are opened to a new world – Manhattan: a spirit city that exists alongside Rory’s Manhattan. This is a city built by history and legend, ruled by those immortal gods of Manhattan – including Babe Ruth, Alexander Hamilton, and Peter Stuyvesant. If something or someone was important enough, loved enough, feared enough, or remembered enough, they are reborn in Manhattan. Only Rory has the power to see Manhattan and reveal it to others. But that power may destroy him as he fights to right a terrible wrong. (Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Award nominee, 2011)

    tags: podcasts stateawards pennsylvania

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