Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Today's Podcast 11/24/2010

  • Marven, Nigel.DINOSAURSNew York : Kingfisher, 2010IL 5-8, RL 7.4ISBN 0753464063Who isn't facinated by dinosaurs. Even though no one has ever seen one, there are enough fossils left behind to give us a pretty good idea of what they were like. Marven shows us how scientists dig up dinosaur bones and can figure out what they were like. Filled with colored illustration, this book is sure to keep dinosaur lovers enthralled for hours. When you are finished with the book, be sure to check out some of the websites mentioned to give you more to explore.

    tags: podcasts blueduke

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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