Thursday, July 14, 2011

Today's Podcast 07/14/2011

  • Voigt, Cynthia. YOUNG FREDLENew York : Knopf, 2011IL 3-6, RL 4.7ISBN 0375864571Fredle is a young mouse who lives in the wall in a farmhouse kitchen. He is living the life. Until the owner finds him living there. She captures him and releases him outdoors. Fredle has never been outside before and doesn't know what to make of his new surroundings. He knows he doesn't like it and wants to find his way back into the warm kitchen. Now he faces raptors and raccoons and other dangers he had never known. He does make a couple of friends along the way and shows us a mouse-eye view of the world he finds himself in.

    tags: podcasts blueduke

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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