Saturday, June 08, 2013

Today's podcast 06/08/2013

  • Ribar, Lindsay. THE ART OF WISHING New York : Dial, 2013 IL YA ISBN 0803738277 Have you ever dreamed of having a genie grant you three wishes? Do you know what those wishes might be? When Margo McKenna does not get the lead in the school play, she can’t believe it. The lead went to Vicky! A talentless sophomore! Margo is given a small part and is not happy. When she finds a ring in the girls bathroom, things begin to change. When she picks up the ring, a genie appears. Oliver looks nothing like the genies we may imagine. He looks like a regular kid. But he tells her that Vicky used to be his master. That makes sense. There is no way she would have gotten the lead in the play on her own. And now Margo has a chance to make her three wishes. She takes it slowly trying to be smart about what she wants. But Oliver is in a hurry. Another genie is out to kill him and he must keep moving. Can Margo find a way to help Oliver?

    tags: podcasts ya

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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