Thursday, January 08, 2015

Today's podcast 01/08/2015

  • Strasser, Todd. FALLOUT Somerville, MA : Candlewick, 2013 IL 5-8, RL 5.3 ISBN 0763655341 It's 1962 and the world has become a very dangerous place. Russia is attempting to put nuclear missiles into Cuba and President Kennedy has told them that it would mean war. Everyone is talking about the possibility of nuclear war. Some believe that it will never happen. Some don't want to think about it at all. But some, like Scott's dad believe that it is a good idea to prepare just in case. So he installs a bomb shelter. Scott and his brother think it is kind of cool. Scott's friends and their families think he is an idiot. Scott's mom is not happy about it but goes along with it. Even at school, the kids are taught to duck and cover in case of a bomb but no one really believes that it will happen. But it does. And Scott's family finds their neighbors fighting to get into the shelter just as hard as his dad is fighting to keep them out.

    tags: podcasts blueduke

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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