Friday, May 25, 2012

Today's Podcast 05/25/2012

  • Bruchac, Joseph. DRAGON CASTLE
    New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 2011
    IL 5-8, IL 5.7
    ISBN 0803733763
    Imagine being a prince, smarter than your parents and your older brother. That is the fate of young Prince Rashko. When the King and Queen suddenly disappear, the young princes are left to handle the castle affairs. Soon after, the uninvited Baron Temny drops in with his entourage. Prince Rashko is taken aback when his simpleminded brother welcomes the group. Is Rasko the only one that can sense danger? What were his parents thinking when they left the castle? Will the Baron succeed with his obvious plot? Find out what happens as Prince Rasko discovers things are not always they seem. (Booktalk written by Catherine Ryan- GSF committee/ New England College)

    tags: podcasts blueduke elementary nhgsf

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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