Monday, May 17, 2010

Today's Podcast 05/17/2010

  • Mandela, Nelson.
    New York : Roaring Brook Press, 2009
    IL 3-6, RL 3.0
    ISBN 1596435666
    Have you ever heard someone tell you that you can grow up to be anything you want? Even president? When Nelson Mandela was growing up in South Africa, he did not hear that. During Mandela's childhood, South Africa was a segregated country. This form of government is called apartheid. Mandela lived in a small home with no running water or electricity. But he was determined to change all that. He believed that all races should live together and share the opportunities that were offered. His belief was so strong, he was willing to go to prison to support his fellow Blacks. Mandela spent 27 years in prison before being released in 1990. And guess what. He did grow up to be President of all the people of South Africa.

    tags: podcasts

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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