Sunday, May 23, 2010

Today's Podcast 05/23/2010

    New York : Chronicle Books, 2009
    IL 5-8, RL 5.1
    ISBN 081186653X

    You’d think that being the daughter of the American ambassador to Ethiopia would be one adventure after another, right? Wrong. Thirteen-year-old Lucy Hoffman never gets to see anything beyond the walls of the embassy compound. All she can do is read about the exotic and exciting world outside and imagine what it would be like to be a part of it.

    Until she gets kidnapped.

    All alone in the Ethiopian wild, Lucy must use her knowledge of African animal life along with her inventiveness, will, and courage to escape and find her way to freedom.

    Inspired by a true story, this suspenseful tale will have readers riveted from start to finish. (New Hampshire Great Stone Face nominee, 2011)

    tags: podcasts, nhgsf

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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