Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Today's Podcast 06/12/2012

  • Palacio, R. J. WONDERNew York : Knopf, 2012IL 3-6, RL 5.1ISBN 0375869026Ten year old Auggie Pullman was born with such severe facial deformities that, even after 27 surgeries, children still run away from him screaming. But he’s just a regular kid, surrounded by a very loving and supportive family. He even has a best friend. Homeschooled and soon to be a fifth grader, Auggie’s mother has decided it’s now time for him to attend a private school. But the transition isn’t easy when most people don’t get beyond judging him by his looks. In spite of the death of his dog, bullies, and friendships that are tested, Auggie proves to his new classmates and the school administration that he’s smart, funny and brave. The story, which spans a school year, is told from the points of view of a variety of characters, including Auggie’s, his sister’s and a few friends’, allowing the reader glimpses into his childhood. Auggie is faced with challenges that he meets head-on, and the reader will cheer for him and savor his victory in the end. (Booktalk written by Suzanne Wall-GSF Committee/Merrimack Public Library)

    tags: podcasts blueduke elementary nhgsf

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