Friday, May 23, 2014

Today's podcast 05/23/2014

  • Timmy Failure is founder, president, and CEO of what he considers the best detective agency in town, Total Failure, Inc. Timmy is assisted by a 1500-pound polar bear named Total who specializes in eating trash, and Rollo Tookus, a classmate, considered inferior in sleuthing skills by Timmy. In one case Timmy’s neighbor Gunnar hires him to find his missing candy. Timmy observes Gunnar’s brother, Gabe, face smeared with chocolate and surrounded by candy wrappers. After questioning Gabe about his whereabouts the night of the candy’s disappearance, Timmy concludes Gabe didn’t take the candy- he had an alibi: he’d been eating candy. There’s something in Timmy Failure Mistakes Were Made for everyone, from the black and white illustrations used liberally throughout the book to Timmy’s bumbling his way from one case to the next, optimistically oblivious to the obvious. (New Hampshire Great Stone Face Book Award nominee, 2015)

    tags: podcasts blueduke elementary gsf nhgsf

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