Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Today's podcast 10/28/2015

  • Cline, Ernest. READY PLAYER ONE Crown, 2011 The year is 2044 and the world is a lot different than we know now. The world is an ugly reality to live in so those who can escape into the OASIS, a utopian virtual world. Wade Watts can't afford to purchase a lot of extras in the world but he does attend school in OASIS and plays lots of games. When James Halliday announces the biggest game in the universe, Wade is all in. Halliday has died and in his will he has detailed an elaborate online game. Halliday is the inventor of OASIS and he has hidden an Easter egg somewhere in OASIS. The contestants must make their way through different levels of the game and duel virtual enemies to try to find the Easter egg. Wade takes on the challenge and he sends his avatar Parzival on the quest for the largest payout in history -- ownership of OASIS itself. It won't be easy. Thousands of players are also on the quest. And there are evil corporations that will do anything for the prize.

    tags: podcasts ya

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