Sunday, April 10, 2005

Last Universe by William Sleator

Sleator, William. THE LAST UNIVERSE
New York : Amulet Books, 2005.
ISBN 0810958589
Susan was beginning to feel a bit hesitant about going out into the garden.
Something was happening that wasn't quite right. But her desperately ill
older brother took comfort in the garden and it was Susan's job to take him
for walks in the sun. But this garden was changing. There were flowers
growing that should never grow in this part of the world. And the paths
seem to shift from where they normally went. Susan and Gary came to
realize that this had something to do with their great uncle who was a
quantum physicist. And this was a quantum garden. Don't know what that
is? Come on in to find out. Things are just not what they seem to be.

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