Sunday, September 20, 2009

Today's Podcast 09/20/2009

  • Paratore, Coleen. THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR'S SON
    New York : Simon & Shuster Books for Young Readers, 2008\
    OL 3-6, RL 3.7\n
    ISBN 1416935940\n
    "I spend a lot of time thinking about f-words. Food. Friends. Fun. And funerals. That's right, funerals." So begins 12-year-old Kip's story. Kip is the only "son" in "Campbell and Sons Funeral Home", the family business since 1875. The family lives above the funeral parlor, and everyone has specific duties to perform…his dad is the Arranger, Aunt Sally is the Cosmetician, and Mom runs the office. Kip's job is managing the parking situation, but he has another talent that makes him really special: the deceased communicate with him and tell him what can be done to ease their passing over to the great beyond. The only trouble is, Kip has no desire to be the 7th Christopher Campbell to run the family business, but can figure no way out. The answer lies in a deal he's made with the corpse of Billy Blye…what's the secret that's keeping old Cap'n Billy from crossing to the other side? (New Hampshire Great Stone Face nominee, 2009-2010)

    tags: podcasts

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