Thursday, August 21, 2014

Today's podcast 08/21/2014

  • Cox, Lynne. ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF THE SEAS New York : Schwartz & Wade Books, 2014 IL K-3, RL 4.2 ISBN 0375858881 This is the story of Elizabeth, a two ton elephant seal who lived in Christchurch, New Zealand. The people of the city loved seeing Elizabeth in the river or along the banks enjoying the sunshine. They knew not to go near her since she was a wild animal. Everything was great until Elizabeth discovered the road. She loved lying on the asphalt that was all warm from the sun. But cars also used the road and it was decided that the time had come for Elizabeth to join other elephant seals in the ocean. A boat towed her out and left her with a colony of seals. But Elizabeth was not happy.

    tags: podcasts elementary

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