Monday, May 30, 2016

Book of the day 05/30/2016

Sands, Kevin. 
New York : Aladdin, 2015 
IL 5-8, RL 5.0 
ISBN 1481446517 

 “I found it. “Master Benedict said he wasn’t the least bit surprised. According to him, there were several times over the past three years when he was sure I’d finally discovered it. Yet it wasn’t until the day before my 14th birthday that it came to me so clearly, I thought God himself had whispered it in my ear. “My master believes occasions like this should be remembered. So, as he ordered, I’ve written down my formula. My master suggested the title. The Stupidest Idea in the Universe By Christopher Rowe, Apprentice to Master Benedict Blackthorn, Apothecary Method of manufacture: Snoop through your master’s private notes. Find a recipe, its words locked behind a secret code, and decipher it. Next, steal the needed ingredients from your master’s stores. Finally— and this is the most important step— go to your best friend, a boy of stout character and poor judgment equal to your own, and speak these words: Let’s build a canon.” Christopher Rowe rather enjoys his life as an Apothecary’s apprentice, uncovering the mysteries of different items and chemicals, and finding plenty of mischief along the way. But when a series of murders across the city strikes too close to home, Christopher is drawn into a world of cults and puzzles, and must use all his training to solve his master’s secrets… and possibly save the world. (Booktalk by the New Hampshire Great Stone Face Committee)
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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