Monday, May 27, 2013

Today's podcast 05/27/2013

  • Handler, Daniel. WHY WE BROKE UP Boston : Little, Brown, 2011 IL YA ISBN 0316127256 Written in the form of a break up letter from Min, an aspiring filmmaker, to Ed, the popular jock. This doesn't seem to be a match made in heaven from the beginning but there is so much more to it than mismatched lovers. Min drops off a box of tiny remembrances along with her Dear John letter. Each of the items in the box -- a toy truck, rose petals, bottle caps -- have a story to tell. And Min offers us the chance to understand the relationship as well as why it ended as it did. We will want to read the entire missive, but will Ed?

    tags: podcasts ya

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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