Thursday, July 31, 2014

Today's podcast 07/31/2014

  • De la Cruz, Melissa. FROZEN New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2013 IL YA ISBN 0399257543 It has been over a century since everything changed. The earth is now a frozen planet with a few pockets of civilization. Life is New Vegas is still centered around gambling and hedonism. The casinos are alive 24 hours a day. Natasha Kestal is a blackjack dealer who desparately wants out of this town. She hears a voice in her head that tells her she needs to find the Blue. Most people don't believe the Blue even exists. The Blue is supposed to be a place where the sun shines and the waters are blue. Nat hires a crew of mercenaries to take her out of the city. She has a locket that supposedly shows the way to the Blue and she is determined to get there. But she can't tell the crew where she is really going. The trip is long and filled with danger. What awaits Nat on her journey?

    tags: podcasts ya blueduke

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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