Thursday, January 15, 2015

Today's podcast 01/15/2015

  • Walsh, Ann. FLOWER POWER Custer, WA : Orca Book Publishers, 2005 IL 5-8, RL 3.8 ISBN 1551433869 Callie's mother is up a tree. Really, it's true. Dian Powers has chained herself to a tree. Callie is so embarrassed about this. Sure her mother has done some odd things in her life but this is a bit much. Their neighbor told Dian that he is cutting down the tree. This tree has so many memories for both families, it just needs to be saved. The tree house is actually in the Powers' yard but the tree belongs to the neighbor. And now there are reporters all shouting to be heard, there is a group of Singing Grammies singing protest songs, Mr. Wilson's motorcycle buddies shouting at the Grammies, neighbors furious about the mess, and now the police. How is Callie going to cope with all this?

    tags: podcasts blueduke

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