Saturday, April 05, 2008

Dahlberg, Maurine F. THE STORY OF JONAS

Today's podcast is for a book about finding your potential. We all have special talents and passions and we should be following our passions. When I hear about people who hate their job or are bored with life, I just can't imagine it. There is so much to do and so much to experience in this world. Even when you seem to have limited choices, you can still search for your passion.

Dahlberg, Maurine F. THE STORY OF JONAS

Born a slave, Jonas has no larger goal in life than to become the master's manservant. But that is not to be. He is sent to accompany the master's son on his trip to the goldfields of Kansas. This is a journey that will open Jonas' eyes as to the possibilities out in the world. He meets people who don't believe in slavery and he finds that he has skills that he can use in the free world. And now Jonas has a big decision to make. How will the new Jonas fit in the old Jonas' life?

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